
Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Donald & Co. - Die besten NFL-Spieler nach Rückennummer: 50-99

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<strong>Die besten NFL-Spieler nach Rückennummer: 50-99</strong><br>In der NFL kommen einem bei manch einer Rückennummer sofort die Namen von absoluten Top-Spielern in den Sinn. Doch wer sind eigentlich die besten Spieler je Rückennummer? <em><strong>ran</strong></em> wählt den Besten für jede Nummer - und gibt auch ab und zu eine Honorable Mention an. Weiter geht's mit den Nummern 50 bis 99. Die Nummern 0 bis 49 findet ihr <strong><a data-li-document-ref="324328" href="">hier</a></strong>.
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Die besten NFL-Spieler nach Rückennummer: 50-99
In der NFL kommen einem bei manch einer Rückennummer sofort die Namen von absoluten Top-Spielern in den Sinn. Doch wer sind eigentlich die besten Spieler je Rückennummer? ran wählt den Besten für jede Nummer - und gibt auch ab und zu eine Honorable Mention an. Weiter geht's mit den Nummern 50 bis 99. Die Nummern 0 bis 49 findet ihr hier.

<strong>50: Mike Singletary</strong><br>Team: Chicago Bears<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1985, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Alex Wojciechowicz, Justin Houston

50: Mike Singletary
Team: Chicago Bears
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1985, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Alex Wojciechowicz, Justin Houston

<strong>51: Dick Butkus</strong><br>Team: Chicago Bears<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Sam Mills, Randy Cross
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51: Dick Butkus
Team: Chicago Bears
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Sam Mills, Randy Cross

<strong>52: Ray Lewis</strong><br>Team: Baltimore Ravens<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Super-Bowl-MVP 2000, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Patrick Willis, Khalil Mack
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52: Ray Lewis
Team: Baltimore Ravens
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Super-Bowl-MVP 2000, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Patrick Willis, Khalil Mack

<strong>53: Harry Carson</strong><br>Team: New York Giants<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1986, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Randy Gradishar

53: Harry Carson
Team: New York Giants
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1986, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Randy Gradishar

<strong>54: Brian Urlacher</strong><br>Team: Chicago Bears<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 2005, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Randy White, Bobby Wagner
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54: Brian Urlacher
Team: Chicago Bears
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 2005, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Randy White, Bobby Wagner

<strong>55: Junior Seau</strong><br>Teams: San Diego Chargers, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, zwölfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Derrick Brooks
© 2002 Getty Images

55: Junior Seau
Teams: San Diego Chargers, Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, zwölfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Derrick Brooks

<strong>56: Lawrence Taylor</strong><br>Team: New York Giants<br>Position: Outside Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL MVP 1986, dreimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Chris Doleman
© New York Giants

56: Lawrence Taylor
Team: New York Giants
Position: Outside Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL MVP 1986, dreimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Chris Doleman

<strong>57: Dwight Stephenson</strong><br>Team: Miami Dolphins<br>Position: Center<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Rickey Jackson
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57: Dwight Stephenson
Team: Miami Dolphins
Position: Center
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Rickey Jackson

<strong>58: Jack Lambert</strong><br>Team: Pittsburgh Steelers<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1976, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Von Miller, Derrick Thomas
© USA TODAY Network

58: Jack Lambert
Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1976, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Von Miller, Derrick Thomas

<strong>59: Jack Ham</strong><br>Team: Pittsburgh Steelers<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1976, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Luke Kuechly
© USA TODAY Network

59: Jack Ham
Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1976, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Luke Kuechly

<strong>60: Chuck Bednarik</strong><br>Team: Philadelphia Eagles<br>Position: Linebacker, Center<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL-Champion, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Otto Graham
© Philadelphia Eagles

60: Chuck Bednarik
Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Position: Linebacker, Center
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL-Champion, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Otto Graham

<strong>61: Bill George</strong><br>Teams: Chicago Bears, Los Angeles Rams<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1963, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler

61: Bill George
Teams: Chicago Bears, Los Angeles Rams
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1963, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>62: Jim Langer </strong><br>Teams: Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings<br>Position: Center<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler
© Miami Dolphins

62: Jim Langer
Teams: Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings
Position: Center
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>63: Gene Upshaw</strong><br>Team: Oakland Raiders<br>Position: Offensive Guard<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Willie Lanier
© USA TODAY Network

63: Gene Upshaw
Team: Oakland Raiders
Position: Offensive Guard
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Willie Lanier

<strong>64: Jerry Kramer </strong><br>Team: Green Bay Packers<br>Position: Offensive Guard, Kicker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger NFL-Champion, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro<br>Honorable Mention: Randall McDaniel
© USA TODAY Network

64: Jerry Kramer
Team: Green Bay Packers
Position: Offensive Guard, Kicker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger NFL-Champion, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro
Honorable Mention: Randall McDaniel

<strong>65: Gary Zimmerman</strong><br>Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Denver Broncos<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1997, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Randall McDaniel
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65: Gary Zimmerman
Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Denver Broncos
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1997, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Randall McDaniel

<strong>66: Ray Nitschke</strong><br>Team: Green Bay Packers<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger NFL-Champion, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger First Team All-Pro<br>Honorable Mention: Alan Faneca
© USA TODAY Network

66: Ray Nitschke
Team: Green Bay Packers
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, fünfmaliger NFL-Champion, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger First Team All-Pro
Honorable Mention: Alan Faneca

<strong>67: Bob Kuechenberg</strong><br>Team: Miami Dolphins<br>Position: Offensive Guard<br>Erfolge: zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler
© Miami Dolphins

67: Bob Kuechenberg
Team: Miami Dolphins
Position: Offensive Guard
Erfolge: zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>68: Will Shields</strong><br>Team: Kansas City Chiefs<br>Position: Offensive Guard<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, zwölfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Kevin Mawae
© 2006 Getty Images

68: Will Shields
Team: Kansas City Chiefs
Position: Offensive Guard
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, zwölfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Kevin Mawae

<strong>69: Jared Allen</strong><br>Teams: Kansas City Chiefs, Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Carolina Panthers<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Jon Runyan
© USA TODAY Network

69: Jared Allen
Teams: Kansas City Chiefs, Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears, Carolina Panthers
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Jon Runyan

<strong>70: Zack Martin</strong><br>Team: Dallas Cowboys<br>Position: Offensive Guard<br>Erfolge: sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Sam Huff
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70: Zack Martin
Team: Dallas Cowboys
Position: Offensive Guard
Erfolge: sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Sam Huff

<strong>71: Jason Peters</strong><br>Teams: Philadelphia Eagles, Seattle Seahawks<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2018, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Trent Williams, Walter Jones
© 2010 Getty Images

71: Jason Peters
Teams: Philadelphia Eagles, Seattle Seahawks
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2018, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Trent Williams, Walter Jones

<strong>72: Dan Dierdorf</strong><br>Team: St. Louis Cardinals<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Ed "Too Tall" Jones
© USA TODAY Network

72: Dan Dierdorf
Team: St. Louis Cardinals
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Ed "Too Tall" Jones

<strong>73: Joe Thomas</strong><br>Team: Cleveland Browns<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: John Hannah
© 2013 Getty Images

73: Joe Thomas
Team: Cleveland Browns
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: John Hannah

<strong>74: Bruce Matthews</strong><br>Team: Houston Oilers / Tennessee Oilers / Tennessee Titans<br>Position: Offensive Lineman<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, 14-maliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Bob Lilly
© Imago

74: Bruce Matthews
Team: Houston Oilers / Tennessee Oilers / Tennessee Titans
Position: Offensive Lineman
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, 14-maliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Bob Lilly

<strong>75: "Mean" Joe Greene</strong><br>Team: Pittsburgh Steelers<br>Position: Defensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Deacon Jones, Howie Long

75: "Mean" Joe Greene
Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Position: Defensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, zehnmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Deacon Jones, Howie Long

<strong>76: Orlando Pace</strong><br>Team: St. Louis Rams, Chicago Bears<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1999, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler
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76: Orlando Pace
Team: St. Louis Rams, Chicago Bears
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1999, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>77: Willie Roaf</strong><br>Team: New Orleans Saints, Kansas City Chiefs<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Red Grange, Jim Parker
© USA TODAY Network

77: Willie Roaf
Team: New Orleans Saints, Kansas City Chiefs
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Red Grange, Jim Parker

<strong>78: Bruce Smith</strong><br>Teams: Buffalo Bills, Washington Redskins<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler, All-Time Sack Leader<br>Honorable Mention: Anthony Munoz
© USA Today Network

78: Bruce Smith
Teams: Buffalo Bills, Washington Redskins
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler, All-Time Sack Leader
Honorable Mention: Anthony Munoz

<strong>79: Rosey Brown</strong><br>Team: New York Giants<br>Position: Offensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1956, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler

79: Rosey Brown
Team: New York Giants
Position: Offensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1956, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>80: Jerry Rice</strong><br>Teams: San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks<br>Position: Wide Receiver<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Offensive Player of the Year, zehnmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Steve Largent, Cris Carter, Kellen Winslow
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80: Jerry Rice
Teams: San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks
Position: Wide Receiver
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Offensive Player of the Year, zehnmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Steve Largent, Cris Carter, Kellen Winslow

<strong>81: Terrell Owens</strong><br>Teams: San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, Buffalo Bills, Cincinnati Bengals<br>Position: Wide Receiver<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Offensive Player of the Year, zehnmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Steve Largent, Cris Carter, Kellen Winslow
© 2002 Getty Images

81: Terrell Owens
Teams: San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, Buffalo Bills, Cincinnati Bengals
Position: Wide Receiver
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, dreimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, zweimaliger NFL Offensive Player of the Year, zehnmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Steve Largent, Cris Carter, Kellen Winslow

<strong>82: Raymond Berry</strong><br>Team: Baltimore Colts<br>Position: Wide Receiver<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Ozzie Newsome
© USA TODAY Network

82: Raymond Berry
Team: Baltimore Colts
Position: Wide Receiver
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Ozzie Newsome

<strong>83: Ted Hendricks</strong><br>Team: Baltimore Colts, Green Bay Packers, Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders<br>Position: Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Andre Reed

83: Ted Hendricks
Team: Baltimore Colts, Green Bay Packers, Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders
Position: Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Andre Reed

<strong>84: Randy Moss</strong><br>Team: Minnesota Vikings, Oakland Raiders, New England Patriots, Tennessee Titans, San Francisco 49ers<br>Position: Wide Receiver<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Shannon Sharpe, Antonio Brown
© Icon Sportswire

84: Randy Moss
Team: Minnesota Vikings, Oakland Raiders, New England Patriots, Tennessee Titans, San Francisco 49ers
Position: Wide Receiver
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, sechsmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Shannon Sharpe, Antonio Brown

<strong>85: Antonio Gates</strong><br>Team: San Diego Chargers <br>Position: Tight End<br>Erfolge: viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Nick Buoniconti, Chad Johnson
© 2017 Getty Images

85: Antonio Gates
Team: San Diego Chargers
Position: Tight End
Erfolge: viermaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Nick Buoniconti, Chad Johnson

<strong>86: Buck Buchanan<br></strong>Team: Kansas City Chiefs<br>Position: Defensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1970<br>Honorable Mention: Hines Ward
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86: Buck Buchanan
Team: Kansas City Chiefs
Position: Defensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1970
Honorable Mention: Hines Ward

<strong>87: Rob Gronkowski<br></strong>Teams: New England Patriots, Tampa Bay Buccaneers<br>Position: Tight End<br>Erfolge: viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Travis Kelce (Gronks "Erzrivale" in der Diskussion um den besten TE der NFL-Geschichte), Willie Davis
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87: Rob Gronkowski
Teams: New England Patriots, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Position: Tight End
Erfolge: viermaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Travis Kelce (Gronks "Erzrivale" in der Diskussion um den besten TE der NFL-Geschichte), Willie Davis

<strong>88: Alan Page<br></strong>Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears<br>Position: Defensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1969, NFL MVP 1971, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Travis Kelce, Willie Davis
© USA TODAY Network

88: Alan Page
Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Chicago Bears
Position: Defensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL-Champion 1969, NFL MVP 1971, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, fünfmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Travis Kelce, Willie Davis

<strong>89: Gino Marchetti<br></strong>Teams: Dallas Texans, Baltimore Colts<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL-Champion, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Mike Ditka
© Indianapolis Colts

89: Gino Marchetti
Teams: Dallas Texans, Baltimore Colts
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, zweimaliger NFL-Champion, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, elfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Mike Ditka

<strong>90: Julius Peppers<br></strong>Teams: Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention:  Ndamukong Suh
© 2017 Getty Images

90: Julius Peppers
Teams: Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Ndamukong Suh

<strong>91: Kevin Greene<br></strong>Teams: Los Angeles Rams, Pittsburgh Steelers, Carolina Panthers, San Francisco 49ers<br>Position: Defensive End, Linebacker<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1996, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Cameron Wake, Fletcher Cox
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91: Kevin Greene
Teams: Los Angeles Rams, Pittsburgh Steelers, Carolina Panthers, San Francisco 49ers
Position: Defensive End, Linebacker
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1996, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Cameron Wake, Fletcher Cox

<strong>92: Reggie White<br></strong>Teams: Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers, Carolina Panthers<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1997, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Michael Strahan
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92: Reggie White
Teams: Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers, Carolina Panthers
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, Super-Bowl-Champion 1997, zweimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, achtmaliger First Team All-Pro, 13-maliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Michael Strahan

<strong>93: John Randle<br></strong>Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Calais Campbell, Dwight Freeney

93: John Randle
Teams: Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Seahawks
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, sechsmaliger First Team All-Pro, siebenmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Calais Campbell, Dwight Freeney

<strong>94: DeMarcus Ware<br></strong>Teams: Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2016, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Charles Haley
© 2013 Getty Images

94: DeMarcus Ware
Teams: Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2016, viermaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Charles Haley

<strong>95: Richard Dent<br></strong>Teams: Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, Indianapolis Colts, Philadelphia Eagles<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, Super-Bowl-MVP 1986, viermaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Greg Lloyd
© 1987 Getty Images

95: Richard Dent
Teams: Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, Indianapolis Colts, Philadelphia Eagles
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, Super-Bowl-MVP 1986, viermaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Greg Lloyd

<strong>96: Cortez Kennedy&nbsp;<br></strong>Team: Seattle Seahawks<br>Position: Defensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1992, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, Super-Bowl-MVP 1986, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
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96: Cortez Kennedy 
Team: Seattle Seahawks
Position: Defensive Tackle
Erfolge: Pro Football Hall of Famer, NFL Defensive Player of the Year 1992, zweimaliger Super-Bowl-Champion, Super-Bowl-MVP 1986, dreimaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler

<strong>97: Geno Atkins<br></strong>Team: Cincinnati Bengals<br>Position: Defensive Tackle<br>Erfolge: zweimaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: Bryant Young, Simeon Rice
© imago images/Icon SMI

97: Geno Atkins
Team: Cincinnati Bengals
Position: Defensive Tackle
Erfolge: zweimaliger First Team All-Pro, achtmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: Bryant Young, Simeon Rice

<strong>98: Robert Mathis<br></strong>Team: Indianapolis Colts<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2007, zweimaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mention: Jessie Armstead
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98: Robert Mathis
Team: Indianapolis Colts
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2007, zweimaliger First Team All-Pro, fünfmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mention: Jessie Armstead

<strong>99: Aaron Donald<br></strong>Team: St. Louis / Los Angeles Rams<br>Position: Defensive End<br>Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2022, dreimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler<br>Honorable Mentions: J.J. Watt, Warren Sapp
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99: Aaron Donald
Team: St. Louis / Los Angeles Rams
Position: Defensive End
Erfolge: Super-Bowl-Champion 2022, dreimaliger NFL Defensive Player of the Year, siebenmaliger First Team All-Pro, neunmaliger Pro Bowler
Honorable Mentions: J.J. Watt, Warren Sapp

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  • Galerie
  • 14.03.2025
  • 20:41 Uhr